Bath Herbal

Bathroom spice made from: Roots fragrant, dried roses, sandalwood, sea lote, pulosari, kelebet, delem leaves, turmeric, lerak, wood nut, mace, cardamom, deaf, cinnamon, cloves.
Usefulness:Eliminates body odor, provide nutrition to the skin, improve circulation and circulatory O2 edge, maintaining skin moisture, preventing skin wrinkles, refresh and nourish skin, eliminate tired and lethargic.
How:Boil the herb bath and then strain it, mix the stew spice bath with cold water until lukewarm water. Soak for approximately 30 minutes. While herbs can be used again with sun drying, store in a dry place, can be reused as much as two times.

Price :  Rp. 20.000/pcs (100 gr)